Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "NJTiger" on: (Sat, 19 Feb 2022 16:58:15 GMT), F0000244
Today yes today not tomorrow unless you can see the future. The Blue mountains (Ered Luin) currently looking for all tall and short dwarfs. To join into the old but new Blue mountains. Yes brand new rocks and rocks? Don't worry everything will be fine if you live in a rock...
Currently looking for dwarfs who will support NJ for leadership of BM (blue mountains).
We offer:
Safe homes and private ones too.
Living in a mountain.
Free steak if your sick of corn
Dwarven beginner starting starter gear kit. (that was a mouthful XD)
More to come.
If you want to join the faction make sure to join the discord here! Plus if you just want to add another discord server to your server list on discord!.