Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Sakuruta" on: (Sat, 18 Mar 2017 18:37:34 GMT), F0000118
The Town of Budgeford (In construction) is pleased to host the Shire's first History Museum, it will host artifacts from Hobbit's travels, items of prominent hobbits, historical documents and much more, I know there are many of you who travel around Middle Earth and I am asking that if anyone have artifacts they'd like featured in our Museum they will be gladly taken and put somewhere in the museum.
Must be an item named with an anvil (Yes you have to spend your 5xp to name something..)
eg. "Rupert Took's Walking Stick"
eg. "Gandalf the Grey's Whizpoppers"
- Must be appropriate
We take written books, copies of official documents anything you can think of. Thank for for reading and you can talk to me on the server (ign. Sakuruta) or just post questions down below.
-Mayor of Budgeford
Non Existing Town in the Shire (YET)
PS. Don't bother looking for the town it's not even built yet, but the Museum will be one of the first buildings.
Note: As Chairman of the Museum Board I hold the rights to deny any items donated to the museum, some items will be stored in the storage and taken out for different museum Exhibits. (But I doubt I will have to deny any items)
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Sakuruta" on: (Sun, 19 Mar 2017 04:04:22 GMT)
I'll find you :)