Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Strider Darnell" on: (Sun, 10 May 2020 19:53:08 GMT), F0000055
Hello TOR players! This is Galadriel sending out news on a player made event coming up on the 13th this month. The Lothlorien Championship is open to all players and factions who wishes to be part of it, from orcs to elves we encourage all to join the festivity's.
The Championship is a 4 part contest of skill, martial prowess, and horse riding ability. With the first event being Jousting, Archery, Dueling, and finally the Great Race. More detial and event rules can be found in the docs link within the thread.
Important bits to prepare with are 1,500c as a entry fee. This entry fee will be put into the championship money prize pool where the 1st place champion may earn more money along side the 10k (And Possible Lore Item).
1 set of just unbreaking armor for the jousting event. This jousting armor can have other enchants such as feather fall, fire protect, arrow protect, and any other enchant that does not add base protection. This is to help the referee count hits that land on the jousting champions.
1 set of gfac armor for the dueling event. This dueling armor is crucial for your chance to win the dueling event that will take place within a small glass arena where bows are not effective.
If your not part of an established faction, then you may wear gondolin gear but cannot use the gondolin sword, if your elven use high elven weapons. If your orcish then use orcish gear. Lore items and mith weapons/armor, and potions are not allowed either.
And finally 1 horse or any other steed (Except for giraffes) for the race and jousting event. (You may bring two steeds if one is more specialized for the jousting and racing event).
Further rules and details are in the google docs link below. I hope to see all the champions join and represent their factions, good luck champions.
Lothlorien Championship Rules
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Skelebro21" on: (Tue, 12 May 2020 15:30:58 GMT)
I guess i'll be there.