Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Pixel_Maniac" on: (Sat, 14 Jan 2017 13:37:59 GMT), F0000154
I know that we have a lot of members in dol amroth right now so i thought i would just do this post to let you all know the developments.
AlphaMunky has now left as prince of Dol Amroth to pursue something which is more suited in Dol Guldur. I am sure that like me, all the members of Dol Amroth wish him well in all his future gameplay. That left Dol Amroth without a prince, however i am proud to announce Alpha thought me worthy enough to take up that mantle.
Before i get to the business at hand let me say this:
Thank you 7321305 you have a beautiful city and i will take good care of it. My thanks go to 17212440 also his leadership has made Dol Amroth a prosperous and well oiled faction. I hope that i can do both of you justice.
Now business wise. As i am sure some of you already know my initial plan was to go to lamedon and become lord, that will still be happening, however i will be looking for a prince before i leave, one that shares the values already built upon, and can provide for our ever growing members. I am aware this will be no slow process, and whilst i am prince, regardless of the lamedon situation i will be focused on ensuring Dol Amroth continues to thrive.
As such all Dol Amroth enquiries should come through me (Pixel_Maniac), I believe Alpha is getting a little mad with enquiries going to him even tho he is not prince, but we understand this is going to take a awhile to getting used to.
My aim at Dol Amroth is to rule fair and just, with appropriate actions for situations. This will be a democratic state where the voices of the people will be heard, so if you have an issue talk to me. We will thrive and grow prosperous in our future.
For those in dol amroth: read the rule board and please for the love of gollum, follow them. I am fair and just but that does not mean i am a weak leader. I promote having fun and doing your own thing, however rule breaking is not fun for anyone.
Other than that i hope you will enjoy Dol Amroth and i hope we will work together, and we will keep up the traditions and values we have held up in this great city.
ERCHIRION Prince of Dol Amroth (Pixel_Maniac)
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Pixel_Maniac" on: (Sat, 14 Jan 2017 17:29:02 GMT)
i wish you all the success in the world but taking my people not so sure i can let you do that, well its their choice i suppose. anyway have fun and stay your arse in dol guldur, you and your army. i do not ish for