Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Calamity_Ashe" on: (Tue, 03 Jan 2017 01:53:32 GMT), F0000157
so i was wondering if there was anyone on tor that would like to have a shop/market stall in gondolin to sell/trade things. the choices at the time of writing are if you want a shop you can have one on the great or lesser market and you can either choose to make a shop yourself in the style of the build using the blocks that have already been used in building and make it however you want or you can have somebody in the faction that can build build you one when they have time. also there is some but not a lot of room for market stalls on either market if you would prefer a market stall. space is first come first serve and fac members get priority over non fac members. there is a limit as to the size of buildings and you are allowed at most a main floor second floor attic and basement. also there are some spots already taken for things i already have planned. the only requirements are your not allowed to kill people in the city and you can't be a player with a lore item that requires your map loc to be on so people can't come to you at the city with your map loc on and kill people and you can't be somebody that kills people for fun.
if you would like a shop or market stall (you can only have 1 or the other and only 1 of whichever you choose) let me know here on enjin with your nick on the server and your ign and if you have a clue what you would like to sell that would be nice to know but not required
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "JorCoffeeBeans" on: (Thu, 05 Jan 2017 02:03:45 GMT)
I'll buy everything you just said, but tomorrow.