Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Balin" on: (Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:47:46 GMT), F0000207
So today(as of October 13th) I invaded Harondor on behalf of Gondor and the Rangers of Ithilien.
I (on my horse) traveled until I saw a Near Harad camp. I then killed the inhabitants and looted the camp. I then tried to burn it down, however I would later find out that the server has fire protection. As I realized this a Near Harad army discovered this (an invasion spawned) and launched an attack on me. Altough I died once, I (with help) defeated the army. I then manually destroyed the camp (if you want to see the ruins ask me).
I think we(Gondorians) should continue the invasion of Harondor and start the restoration. to do this, I think we should pacify half of the fertile north and reestablish the fiefdom of Harondor and restore it to a land that we can proudly say that it's Gondorian!.
Bro. I'm pretty sure this is part of Near harad and can't be claimed for Gondor. I may be wrong.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Orange1861" on: (Fri, 14 Oct 2016 10:51:37 GMT)
I moved the thread to the Gondor discord, this thread will remain open until later today for the people to be aware of the move.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Orange1861" on: (Fri, 14 Oct 2016 08:00:58 GMT)
Hey folks, I think this is a discussion for the Discord Server.
That which pertains to Gondor should be spoken about within Gondor.
-Steward and Prince of Dol Amroth, Phoenix/Imrahil
Alright, I'm going to move this at the end of the day.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Fri, 14 Oct 2016 06:05:25 GMT)
Hey folks, I think this is a discussion for the Discord Server.
That which pertains to Gondor should be spoken about within Gondor.
-Steward and Prince of Dol Amroth, Phoenix/Imrahil
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Orange1861" on: (Fri, 14 Oct 2016 04:47:15 GMT)
Here is the thing... We could invade Harad, but there is no faction in Harad at the moment. So when the time comes, when there is a Harad faction, we could invade. Not anytime soon tbh.
What I'm saying is that we should rebuild Harondor.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Ardahil" on: (Fri, 14 Oct 2016 02:36:57 GMT)
Here is the thing... We could invade Harad, but there is no faction in Harad at the moment. So when the time comes, when there is a Harad faction, we could invade. Not anytime soon tbh.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Balin" on: (Thu, 13 Oct 2016 22:13:15 GMT)
Lol I'm not looking at the History of Gondor. I already knew Harondor was once ruled by Gondor but in the mod. Its part of Near harad.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Orange1861" on: (Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:51:39 GMT)
So today(as of October 13th) I invaded Harondor on behalf of Gondor and the Rangers of Ithilien.
I (on my horse) traveled until I saw a Near Harad camp. I then killed the inhabitants and looted the camp. I then tried to burn it down, however I would later find out that the server has fire protection. As I realized this a Near Harad army discovered this (an invasion spawned) and launched an attack on me. Altough I died once, I (with help) defeated the army. I then manually destroyed the camp (if you want to see the ruins ask me).
I think we(Gondorians) should continue the invasion of Harondor and start the restoration. to do this, I think we should pacify half of the fertile north and reestablish the fiefdom of Harondor and restore it to a land that we can proudly say that it's Gondorian!.
Bro. I'm pretty sure this is part of Near harad and can't be claimed for Gondor. I may be wrong.
Originally Harondor was a part of Gondor known as South Gondor, as time progessed and Gondor grew weaker, Gondor pulled out of Harondor except for the Rangers of Ithilien. Harondor has two areas a fertile north and a desert south. The fertile is controlled by the Rangers which I seek to rebuild while the South is mainly controlled by Near Harad.