Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Balin" on: (Thu, 13 Oct 2016 20:47:46 GMT), F0000207
So today(as of October 13th) I invaded Harondor on behalf of Gondor and the Rangers of Ithilien.
I (on my horse) traveled until I saw a Near Harad camp. I then killed the inhabitants and looted the camp. I then tried to burn it down, however I would later find out that the server has fire protection. As I realized this a Near Harad army discovered this (an invasion spawned) and launched an attack on me. Altough I died once, I (with help) defeated the army. I then manually destroyed the camp (if you want to see the ruins ask me).
I think we(Gondorians) should continue the invasion of Harondor and start the restoration. to do this, I think we should pacify half of the fertile north and reestablish the fiefdom of Harondor and restore it to a land that we can proudly say that it's Gondorian!.
Bro. I'm pretty sure this is part of Near harad and can't be claimed for Gondor. I may be wrong.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Orange1861" on: (Fri, 14 Oct 2016 10:51:37 GMT)
I moved the thread to the Gondor discord, this thread will remain open until later today for the people to be aware of the move.