Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Thu, 21 Dec 2017 21:40:46 GMT), F0000464
Welp! Time to wrap up the event!
I won't waste much time, I'll jump right to the point:
In 3rd place, with a beautiful (albeit small) snowy Hobbit Hole, Masstheman!
Congratulations! You have received your prize!
In 2nd place, with an even larger Hobbit Hole, complete with two stories and plenty of detail, Moryan!
Congratulations! You have received your prize!
And lastly, in 1st place, the build we all saw coming, JorCoffeeBeans!
Congratzzz... you have received your prize, which includes the Arkenstone!
Thanks to all who participated! It's always a lot of fun to look at all the builds!
Enjoy the holidays, and keep your eyes peeled for the last event of the season! (It's one you won't want to miss)
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "explodingreaf" on: (Sat, 23 Dec 2017 14:19:43 GMT)