IGN: TimTheTomatoMan1
Nick: (Unsure, never used it)
Faction: Dorwinion at time of Ban.
Reason for ban: Unknown, No reason stated.
Time banned for: 27 days, 8 hours.
Date banned: 20/01/2014, 7-8am AEST
Reason for appeal: Not sure why I was banned and would like it repealed as I enjoy playing on this server with a friend of mine. I have been kicked before for 'Speed Hacking' but I do not. My friend and I (Extreme_Stuff, if you need to verify) are Australian and, as I understand this is an American server, lag quite heavily. Before I was banned I also had problems with the mod NEI (Not Enough Items), which I use to check item recipes, but instead kept sending commands to the server requesting said items. I understand if this appeared suspicious in a server log. If anything, I would just like a reason for why I was banned. Cheers!
Informed and concluded on Discord