Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "ClumsyGamer" on: (Fri, 04 Jun 2021 21:22:40 GMT), F0000741
IGN: ClumsyGamer
Nick: Jag
Faction: Umbar
Reason for ban: Hiding lore items, as well as an event items
Time banned for: 7 days (after being banned for 3)
Date banned: 4/6/2021
Reason for appeal: I was banned for association and had nothing to do with these items. Ive only been back on the server for about a month and a bit now and these items were never mine nor did I have access to them prior to them being put in a chest or after, I didn't even know they were specifically illegal and I barely knew about there existence so didn't have any details on them. I never used this chest and the contents inside and to me it was pretty much out of sight out of mine because I had nothing to do with them. I understand why those items are illegal and I haven't and wouldn't do that with lore items that are in my possession, so I'm hoping my banned can be lifted so I can get back to enjoying the server after already serving another temp ban. Cheers.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "vanderm" on: (Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:46:45 GMT)
Dealt with on discord, unbanned.