Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "flyingfish893" on: (Fri, 07 Oct 2022 15:02:06 GMT), F0000593
In Game Name: flyingfish893
Discord Tag: flying_fish#3343
Pronouns: he/him? I kinda don't care
Timezone: GTM+2
When you started playing: around the start of June 2022
Time played on the server: It is a bit hard to know this because I lost my account and went on with another one. But I believe that this will be a pretty big number due to the time I am online on a daily basis. (I remember it being over 5 days on my old account in my first month alone)
Age: 16
What are some examples of your leadership and/or teamwork experiences?
Either in real life or online.
Online, that would be hosting multiple servers. And hosting quite a few large-scale world-building projects. When it comes to real life, it would just be group projects in school. I usually just do whatever I'm told, making sure I don't hold anyone back. If the group comes to a stop in progress, I tend to quietly steer the project in the right direction without drawing too much attention.
What do you excel at?
I believe that would be psychology. With this, I mean that I have a large understanding of the thought pattern that acts in standard (and a-standard) behavior. This makes me a good mediator due to quickly being able to grasp how both sides feel. I can also predict long-term response to certain actions.
Next to that, I am good with most software, for example: after effects, photoshop, and blender (altho it's been a while so I would need to make the switch to a newer version)
Lastly, the fact that I pick new things up very quickly. While this isn't really a skill, it is still the speed at which one makes new ones.
How familiar are you with the Lord of the Rings mod?
I Followed the mod's progress from back when it did not even have a map, or factions, and just had good and evil.
What is an example of personal growth you have done recently?
In other words, is there something you weren't so great at before, but worked on and improved over time?
This is a rather hard question to be perfectly honest. Since I joined the server I mainly used the skills I already had. And never really bumped into a problem that forced me to change my methods. One thing however that did change, (altho it has nothing to do with skill) is that I now actively try to keep newer players happy. Since I have grown to care more about the long-term life of the server. (As a small example, if I hunt newer players down and keep their belongings as a trophy, I make sure to give them an equal amount of support to make sure they don't feel bad about it. This makes sure I don't scare people away with my PvP-enjoying personality.) When I was new to the server I didn't do this, because I never expected to grow to like this server so much that it would make me stay for a long enough time to feel the results of the newer players' growth.
What is your role in the community, currently?
Reflect upon how actively you chat and interact with other players in the community, in addition think about the topics that come up; is it TOR related or on a more personal scale?
I think that if I were to have to say my most important influence, it would be towards newer players. I think that I am one of the fewer “richer/older” players. who actively reaches out to newer players. Instead of only returning a conversation. This helps them get to know the community a little better and makes the server ever so slightly more enjoyable during the early parts of their stay. This also helps them build connections with older players, which builds a bridge between the islands of players.
The last time you found yourself in a disagreement with another player, how did you approach it?
This actually does not happen quite often. My policy is that Minecraft is “just a game” in the end. And while I enjoy it a lot, it is not worth getting upset about. The last time I got into conflict, that would be when I killed Lemon and took his gear. Since he really did not like this we went with the midway of giving 1 out of the 2 good items back. I know that because I was uncertain about whether or not to give them back it felt like baiting a response. But I did clearly state to Lemon that I was not certain yet. Either way, keeping this in mind, next time I will try to be even clearer. Or simply say no until I change my mind
Naturally, not everything is perfect on TOR; what do you think needs improvement?
I believe seasons and LI’s could use some polishing. Unit use is also one of those. (see more in the next part)
Lastly, what motivates you to continue playing and to apply to the staff team?
What motivates me to play is actually very simple: “it's fun”. While this might seem like stupid reasoning, I think that it is more than sufficient. So what motivates me to become a staff member? “Make it even more fun.” On this one, I will, however, go into more detail.
It's the decisions that the server staff make that interest me. Especially now that the second Season will be discussed. While I know that it is possible to give community input as a normal member. But I believe that being able to participate in the general discussion would make things easier. Due to the already taken decisions being classified (or not obviously listed/usable). While this is my main reason to become staff, it isn't the only one. Helping people out on a daily basis is also one of the reasons that I would like to apply for staff. Explaining rules, giving guidelines, and maybe fly too? I honestly don't know from which rank one can hand out fly. This may sound weird coming from me but solving conflict is also one of the things I actually enjoy doing.
Next to that, helping to host events also sounds like lots of fun, and maybe to one day in the future host my own.
While I could go ahead and copy-paste some talk about giving back to the community from other accepted staff applications, I more feel like writing something which is actually my own. So I'll end it here.
(Ps, sorry for fricking up my layout, but I wrote this in word first and have no clue how to fix it.)