Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Calamity_Ashe" on: (Sat, 24 Dec 2016 06:00:25 GMT), F0000688
Ign: gsf4life
Nick: Turgon
Current Faction: gondolin
Timezone: CST
When you started playing: the end of August 2016
Time played on the server: 30.60 days
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: i have never been banned i know the rules to well to accidentally break em and i would never intentionally break em
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: nope
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: i know how to do normal world edit and voxel sniper. i know how world guard and lockette work and i can figure out how to use something or how it works by messing around with it or looking it up which i how i figured out how lockette and world guard work
Why do you want to be a staff member?: i would like to help out people on the server and also i'm on the server quite a bit when there's no staff on like late at night and also don't get too bothered about people bothering me ( partially cuz people don't bother me much) and i am very easy to get a hold of. I also have all the knowledge a new mod would have after getting their application excepted and given staff training
also it is my understanding that i wasn't accepted last time cuz i wasn't listening during staff training which i don't think there was a time during staff training that i wasn't listening but if i was i am very sorry and didn't mean to do so. normally the only time i'm not listening to what somebody is saying is during class which is normal for some people and it happens for me when i get focused on something other than the person talking and then i'm no longer listening to them cuz i'm not focusing on listening to them