Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "MrDialga34" on: (Tue, 23 Jun 2020 16:59:49 GMT), F0000627
IGN: MrDialga34
Nick: ~Shadmir
Current Faction: Dûr Udûn
Timezone: GMT/BST
When you started playing: August 2016
Time played on the server: 18.49 Days (On this specific instance, if they are not global.)
Age: 16
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: I have had 4 permanent bans for x-ray, probably totalling about 2 years of my total possible time on the server on their own. I've also been temporarily banned 3 times. Once for x-ray, which was my first ban (I think). One was for advertising on the Official Server with Sylok, and one was for griefing Randomness' base (I think, definitely happened around that time so it seems the most likely explanation). I am extremely sorry for my actions and I am much more mature now than I was then. I hope that my behaviour on the server since my recent pardon has been evidence enough. I guess another way of looking at it is that it is the difference between 12 & 16, or a quarter of my life. I'd also like to make this statement into an official apology to the entire staff team, both current and former, for dealing with me in the 2 years preceding my last ban.
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: Yes, and this time it isn't a complete lie! In my last, longest, and final ban from TOR, I tried my hand at owning a server myself. Not once, but twice! My first server was called The Rise of Melkor, and during this time I was only technically an Admin as my friend actually hosted the server. However, I did any and all behind the scenes work with the server. However, the other Admin got annoyed we touched up one of his builds and deleted all important documents to do with the role system on the server. This prompted the owner and I to move off and start a different server, which I paid for (so I guess I owned that one?) called Age of Rings, which was much closer in style to ToR and ToS. During this time, I had to deal with numerous player disputes, x-rayers (ironic), blatant rule violations (which players denied doing) and also being online or badgered to be online for 12 hours per day.
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: I configured everything for both servers, and did lots of large scale terrain editing with VoxelSniper and WorldEdit. I also set up and used AdvancedItemEffects, Core Protect, Custom Enchantments, Essentials, GroupManager, Nametags, PvPManager, SimplePrefix, Skript, and WorldGuard. I configured both global and per-world permissions with GroupManager for all factions, including some like the Druadan (technically exist in lore) which needed access to /fireball and /smite but with restrictions. Though I'm a bit rusty it wouldn't be too hard for me to get back into it properly.
Why do you want to be a staff member?: I feel like although my record somewhat stands against me, I am now a positive member of the community and I want to be able to do more to help those around me. Furthermore, there generally isn't a staff member online from when I hop on (usually 7am-9am my time) until about midday, at which point I've already usually given up on my quest for fly/WorldEdit and done something else instead. In addition, staff are entirely located within the good factions, and this inevitably will lead to some bias, even though it is wholly unintentional. Therefore, I feel that an alternate opinion from someone who has been predominantly evil during their time on the server could be helpful.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application!