Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Randomness2473" on: (Fri, 19 May 2017 19:14:14 GMT), F0000672
IGN: Randomness2473
Nick: Evatianta
Current Faction: Dol Amroth
Started Playing: Last October
Time Playing 8.95 days
Ever Been Banned: Yes, I have, it was for hiding mithril inside a tower, and then getting Lor to duplicate that mithril alongside the towers (I am still extremely sorry for doing this and I wish I hadn't done it).
Previous Staff Experience: No, I have not worked as a staff member
Pulgins Worked With: Even though I have not had staff experience, I have worked with basic worldedit and know how to use it on GamingRebooted's private server and also worked with WE on a creative server called CreativeFun
Why Do I Want To Be A Staff Member: I want to be a staff member because I feel like I could help people with things that they need, educate people on the rules if they are breaking them. I can build to a average maybe better standard of building, and I don't really have any prejudice against other factions, I have also recently become active again, so I think another staff member that is active quite a bit will help. I also feelm like I can get along with a lot more people now a days, having matured. I think I have shown some good aspects of helping others without this perm, e.g, taking a new player into my base, providing them with free iron gear, and letting them stay in that base, and also helping two other new players by giving them free gondorian gear and weapons, and helping them find a place to stay, and with helper perms, I believe I can help others a lot more with other things such as building.
I hope that I can have a part in the TOR community which I do like quite a bit and help others who need helping using my own experiences on the server
Yours Truly, Randomness2473