Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "MrDialga34" on: (Sun, 05 Feb 2023 21:33:38 GMT), F0000586
HELLO TOR! As per my agreement with the mighty Ognator, here's my staff application to get back on to the staff team where people staff and do staff things. (I'm back for good).
IGN: Shadmir_
Discord Tag: MrDialga34#0001
Pronouns: He/Him.
Timezone: GMT/BST depending on time of year.
When you started playing: Late 2015? 2016? It's been a while.
Time played on the server: 42.27 days.
Age: The big one eight (18).
What are some examples of your leadership and/or teamwork experiences? Probably most relevant, I have spent a good amount of time on the TOR staff team (as we all know #Staffmir). I also play football in real life, which is another great team-building experience. In terms of leadership, I led the faction of Dûr Udûn (rip) for a short amount of time. I also am on the exec for one of the football teams at my university, where I have to help plan training sessions and matches. I also led a multi-day camping expedition for my Chief Scouts Gold Award.
What do you excel at? In terms of Minecraft, I feel like I excel at the more technical aspects of how a server works i.e. plugins, mods, troubleshooting, etc. I have generally good time management skills, and my creative writing has always been solid. I'm also okay at PvP. I will admit my weaknesses in building, and sometimes just entirely forgetting about responsibilities for no reason. However, with proper organisation and the use of Google Calendar, I feel like this can be overcome. I'm also a wonderful dancer.
What is an example of personal growth you have done recently? Recently after a chat with Fox, Zack, and a few others, I've started to cut down on the amount of drinking that I do. It was negatively impacting me in the long term for relatively little short-term gain. I've also made an effort to be more outgoing and talk to the people around me, a change from my general personality in the past.
What is your role in the community, currently? Despite the fact that I have fully reset myself, my experience gives me the presence of a seasoned veteran. As such I can give advice to newer players in chat. I also spend a lot of time in channel 1 in Discord in an attempt to make friends with members of the community who I may not have spoken to previously.
The last time you found yourself in a disagreement with another player, how did you approach it? So my last disagreement was probably with foxtra. I came around to see his point of view after a quick discussion and we found something of a compromise between our viewpoints.
Naturally, not everything is perfect on TOR; what do you think needs improvement? Personally, I think some of the most recent changes that have been made to the enchanting system on TOR are a bit too extreme and I'd love to open a discourse with the rest of the team about these changes.
Lastly, what motivates you to continue playing and apply to the staff team? I'M BACK, BABY! I'm an incredibly long-time player and I've written about this topic in my previous application, and all of what was said there still applies. The reason I quit the team was due to me not really being sure of how much time I'd have while at university, but now I've settled in and found my schedule I learned that I do have plenty of time to play on TOR.