Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "WilliamPlayz117" on: (Sun, 10 Jul 2022 05:13:56 GMT), F0000600
Ign: WilliamPlayz117
Nick: Marcellus
Current Faction: Gondor
Timezone: MST
When you started playing: june 2017
Time played on the server: 491 hours
Age: 17
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: Yes, I was banned several times for XRay and I had lied to staff in the process of it. This is something I haven't been proud of to this day, I know how much it hurts those around me, and it damages my integrity. I’ve done my absolute best to turn the way people view me around on the server and I greatly learned my lesson from this experience.
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: I have a lotr practice server which I have learned so much about the importance of teamwork and cooperation between each staff member. I have learned that the staff team has to think together on each situation and make the best decision for the server.
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: Worldedit, Voxel Sniper, Advanced item effects, all of the essentials plugins, world guard, lores, custom enchantments, Time ban, and simple prefix.
Why do you want to be a staff member?: I want to give back to the community and allow players to have the absolute best experience they can be given. I believe my knowledge of the server and my ability to help others can be beneficial to the server and its players. I have become a great team player over the years and work well with others, I have been able to sooth conflicts between players in my time back and I believe I can do a better job of this as a staff member. I am also online frequently and can assist players with anything they need, such as help with world edit, /fly, help with defusing conflicts between players, and can moderate players' behaviors efficiently.