Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Wolfer220" on: (Tue, 15 Aug 2017 22:09:01 GMT), F0000661
Ign: Wolfer220
nick: Wolf or Dovakiin (currently Dovakiin)
current faction: High Elves
time zone: CST (central standard time)
when I started playing: 9 to 11 months ago, I don't remember for sure
time played on server: 15 days
age: 13
have a been banned or warned for breaking a rule: I have never been banned but I was punished once for abusing the /bukkit:me command (my perms were taken away for like 10mins)
do I have previous staff experience: no, not in minecraft
why I want to be a staff member: I feel I should be a staff member because I'm a very active member in the servers community and I do try to make sure that things me and my friends are doing are legal. I feel I'm a positive part to the server's community, and if I'm a staff member, I feel I can make the community even better. I also can do WE :)